Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm findin OCD and Asplergers Syndrome really seems to me that maybe OCD is an extension of Asplergers.
I've talked to a lot of people about OCD, can't say I've met anybody with it yet but as far as I can tell, everybody had it to some extent.

* Pairing up all the shoes in her house before bed or else she won't go to bed
* If she turns round in a circle, she has to untwist herself by turning round in the opposite direction...even at roundabouts!!!!!!
* When washing his hands, he can only have one hand wet at a time.
* If she itches one side of her body, she has to itch the other side to keep it all balance.
* If she prays, she has to say the same thing in every language she knows.
* When she stops cooking, she has to jump up and down when she turns the gas off so that she remembers she's done it.

...I'm thinking about setting myself some rules and filming myself for the day, sticking to these rules. I'll have to be careful what my rules are because it could be dangerous applying them to everything, if I was obsessed by the number 3 I would have to drive home on the motorway in 3rd gear and I'm not sure that would be very safe!!

...Another thing I'd like to do is to film other peoples obsessions.


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